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When I learned about a new cat-friendly ice cream, Screaming Bonito by Pet Winery, I was immediately intrigued.
A cat ice cream that’s not only safe, but healthy too?!
Excited as could be, I decided to let my cats try the “Cat Ice Cream Bundle” which comes with a half pint of Screaming Bonito and a container of Kitty Sprinkles as a topping.
I know, I know. They’re spoiled rotten.
This product review is based on three categories: ingredient quality, difficulty, and price. Each category’s rating is based on a scale of one to five purrs, with one purr being the worst and five purrs being the best. After each category is rated, the ratings are averaged together to determine our overall purr rating.
About Pet Winery
Pet Winery offers pet-friendly drinks and treats which are safe and healthy.
For cats specifically, they offer non-alcoholic cat wines. These cat wines are made of filtered water, organic catnip, wild caught salmon oil, and organic food coloring.
Now, new cat treats have been added to the list: cat ice cream and sprinkles.
About Screaming Bonito by Pet Winery

Screaming Bonito is made with a unique blend of real lactose-free goat milk and Bonito (fish) flakes.
The ice cream comes in a powdered form, so all you have to do is add hot water, mix and freeze! After it’s ready, simply serve a scoop to your cat. The unused portion can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 weeks.
This product is meant to be an occasional treat, not a meal replacement. With that said, I think it’s “purrfect” for a special occasion like a holiday or cat’s birthday.
Also, the packaging for this product is absolutely adorable, which makes it fun for cat parents too. Personally, just pulling out the cute little mini ice cream carton gave me so much joy.
Talk about #cutenessoverload!
Ingredient Quality
Pet Winery produces their products in their own lab in Florida, which is food grade with a ISO7 clean room.
As a cat parent, I am relieved to know that this company is thorough with safety.
In addition, their products are vitamin enriched and made of U.S. organic ingredients.
After researching each ingredient in the Bonito Ice Cream and Kitty Sprinkles, I immediately because impressed with the quality of these products.
Screaming Bonito Ingredients

This cat ice cream has two ingredients: goat milk powder and dried Bonito flakes.
Goat milk powder (lactose-free)
Unlike cow’s milk, goat milk is healthy for cats. Not only is it easier to digest than cow’s milk, but it’s also packed with nutrition.
For example, goat milk provides: enzymes, prebiotics, probiotics, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and vitamins and minerals.
It’s important that cats have a lactose-free diet because their bodies produce little to no lactase — the enzyme required to digest lactose. This is why, contrary to popular belief, cats shouldn’t drink cow’s milk.
However, because raw goat milk is unpasteurized, it’s very rich in lactase. This means that cats can digest it with no problem. In fact, even humans who are lactose intolerant can digest raw goat milk.
Dried Bonito (fish) flakes
Bonito is a low fat, high protein fish that is abundant in fish oils and rich in omega-3s.
Aside from omega-3s, bonito flakes are also high protein, low carbohydrate, and low sodium. In addition, they contain taurine, an essential amino acid.
Omega-3s are healthy and essential to include in a cat’s diet because they are unable to produce these fatty acids themselves.
As if that isn’t enough to celebrate, fish oils are also good for feline urinary tract infections, reduced hairballs and healthy skin/coats.
Kitty Sprinkles Ingredients

The Kitty Sprinkles are also made from just two ingredients: catnip and silver vine. Impressively, I found these ingredients to be an A+ too!
According to PetMD, giving your cat a small amount of catnip may be helpful for their digestive tract. Also, most cats absolutely love it!
Silver Vine
Silver vine can reduce stress and anxiety in cats. It can also sharpen their natural hunting skills, and may even provide medicinal benefits. This ingredient has been used in Asia for centuries, and is more potent than catnip.
Ingredient Quality Rating: 5 out of 5 purrs.
Making Kitty Sundaes
Goat milk power. Mixing the goat milk powder with hot water. The ice cream mixture poured back into the container. Serving the kitty sundaes.
Putting together this kitty sundae was super easy! First, I had to dump the powder in a small bowl and add 2/3 cup of hot water. Next, I mixed with my silicone spatula until it was thoroughly blended.
After that, I poured the mixture back into the cup, put the lid back on, and placed it in the freezer. The directions say it’s ready after 8 hours, but I didn’t give it to my kitties until the next day.
When it was treat time, I let it thaw for 15 minutes before serving. Then I scooped one spoonful into each bowl.
Even after 15 minutes, it was still a little hard to scoop. But to be fair, I usually have trouble scooping ice cream, which is why I did not penalize the rating. Next time, I might wait closer to 20 minutes to see if that helps.
Finally, I put a couple shakes of the Kitty Sprinkles on top of each “sundae” before serving my feline companions.
Difficulty Rating: 5 out of 5 purrs.
Price Rating
A half pint of Screaming Bonito is $7.99. Although that may seem pricey to some, I think it’s reasonable because a half pint contains several servings.
The recommended serving size is only one scoop. And some cats, like mine, might be satisfied from as little as a teaspoon.
A half pint contains about 16 tablespoons, which is about 50 cents per serving. On the other hand, if you prefer to smaller scoops, it has 48 teaspoons. That’s a mere 17 cents per serving!
So, whether your definition of one scoop is a tablespoon or teaspoon, this product costs little and can last quite a while.
The Kitty Sprinkles are $5.99, which I also think is reasonable considering so little is needed for each serving. With one or two “shakes” each use, this product will likely last even longer than the ice cream.
The best part is that you can buy both the cat ice cream and sprinkles as a bundle for $12.99, which is 99 cents cheaper than buying them separate.
Hey, every little discount helps.
Price Rating: 5 out of 5 purrs.
My Cats Enjoying Kitty Sundaes
Sage eating Screaming Bonito. Maggie eating Screaming Bonito. Sage and Maggie enjoying their kitty sundaes.
I never include taste in the purr rating because taste is subjective. What one cat loves, another might hate, and vice versa. However, I still like to share the full experience.
My three cats enjoyed their ice cream, with Sage and Maggie liking it the most. Sage even did “face paw licks” afterwards, which he always does when he’s happy and satisfied.
However, although one tablespoon each turned out to be more than my cats wanted. They got plenty of licks in, but then looked at me with full eyes.
I suspect this is because I should have waited a little longer to serve them (to make sure they were hungry). But next time, I will only give them a teaspoon each.
Afterwards, I scooped the leftovers back in the container in order to avoid wasting any kitty treat goodness.
Overall Rating for Screaming Bonito
Overall, I am very impressed with the Pet Creamery Screaming Bonito by Pet Winery. Between the high ingredient quality, ease of use, and fair price, this product earns a full purr rating.
Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 purrs.
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DISCLAIMER: When you purchase through links on this website, I may earn a small affiliate commission, at no cost to you. I only affiliate with products that I truly support, and commissions help support this blog.
Disclaimer: The Purring Journal is not in the medical field. This post is made for entertainment purposes only. Use the information presented in this article at your own risk. Always seek medical advice from licensed veterinarians.