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If you’re reading this, I’m assuming you never want anything bad to happen to your furry friend. That’s why we came up with a list of potential cat hazards in your home and how to cat-proof them. After all, cats are basically toddlers with fur so we need to keep an eye on them. Sadly, we even have a few real-life stories that come from this list, and I’m hoping these examples will save other cats from suffering the same fate. After all, we want them to live long, and healthy lives. Now, onto the list.
Cat Hazards in Your Home
1. Bags
Cats are curious creatures. So in a cat’s mind, an open bag is like a secret world waiting to be explored. Many cats will crawl inside a bag and lay in it like a bed and others will play with it. However, a cat in a bag can easily get stuck and suffocate to death. And I know of a real-life example of this. One day, one of my wife’s friends left a plastic grocery store bag on the table. When she came home, she found the cat dead inside the bag on the floor. Needless to say, this experience was pretty heart-breaking for her. So please, keep bags away from your cats. An easy prevention is to get a bag holder so you can hide them and hang them somewhere your cat can’t reach.
2. Windows
We all know that cats love windows. But windows have two hazards: blinds and screens. With blinds, cats are attracted to dangle-y objects like blind strings. Think about it from their point of view. Doesn’t a blind string look like a fun toy to bat at? But these strings are a major strangulation hazard. This is why every blind string in the house should be tied up and put out of reach. One way to do this is to install a blind cord safety wrap for every window. Not only are they cheap and easy to place, but they also keep the cords tucked away neatly. Another option is to ditch the blind cords altogether by getting cordless blinds.
The second major hazard is the screens. Here’s another real-life story for you. A couple of years ago I heard my wife scream in the other room. When I came to see what was wrong, the bedroom window’s screen was knocked out, and Sage was outside on the grass. So I immediately ran outside to catch him. But if we weren’t home when this happened, we could have lost him. Thankfully, this window was on the first floor, otherwise, he could have been severely hurt or worse. To prevent this from happening to your cat, check your screens every so often to make sure they are still secure.
3. Electrical Cords
Many pet parents know that dogs like to chew things. But some don’t realize that cats can also be chewers. And the last thing you want is your furry friend to chew on a hazard like electronics’ cords. Think of anything with a plug such as computer cords, TV cords, power strips, and so on. To keep your cat safe from this type of hazard, use cable management sleeves or tubing. There are many different options out there, and this safety measure is affordable and easy to install. As an added bonus, cable sleeves also serve as a way to keep cords neatly tucked and out of the way, giving the spot a cleaner look.
4. Plants
Many cats like to eat plants. Not only is this frustrating to a plant lover, but some plants can also be toxic to cats. But luckily the ASPCA has a list of Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants on their website, which we’ll have linked in the description box below. If you’re a plant enthusiast with a cat, it can be overwhelming to figure out which plants are and aren’t safe. This is why we recommend you print out or bookmark the ASPCA’s list for reference. Finally, we can’t forget pointy plants like cacti. It’s best to avoid these because as you can imagine, cactus points are pretty painful. But if you absolutely must have a cactus, just make sure it’s in a spot that your cat can’t get to.
5. Toys With Strings
Every cat should have access to cat toys because they are a great way for them to exercise and stay occupied. However, your cat should not play with certain toys unattended, such as fishing pole toys. This is because these types of toys are strangulation hazards. This is not to say that you should completely ditch fishing toys. But when you’re not playing with them, just make sure that these types of toys, and anything else with strings, are put in a place where your cat can’t reach. While on the topic, ribbons, yarn, rubber bands, hair ties, and anything else string-like should also be hidden from your cat.
6. Appliances
By appliances, I’m talking about refrigerators, ovens, stovetops, washers, and dryers. The good news is that preventing an accident is pretty simple: LOOK. When you open a fridge, it’s possible for a cat, to sneak in. I know, I know. Right now you might be thinking, how could a person possibly miss that? Well, we all know that cats can be stealthy. And if you have a kitten or young cat, they are small enough to slip by undetected. If a cat gets stuck in a fridge, he or she will suffocate.
The same rule applies to washers and dryers: always look, because a cat can easily sneak in there if you get distracted or walk away before you turn it on. Also, we all know some cats like to jump on counters. So if you just cooked dinner and then you walk out of the room, a cat could get seriously burned if they step on the stovetop. If you have a cat that’s counter-obsessed, you can always add burner covers or burner locks to your stove.
7. Furniture
When I say furniture, you might be thinking we’re going overboard here. But hear me out. Recliners and automatic beds are also hazards, especially for small cats and kittens. Think about it. Cats like to crawl into things. So if you’re reclined in your Lazyboy, a cat can sneak under there, and then, when you lower the footrest, they can get seriously hurt. The same goes for any other kind of automatic furniture. Just like with appliances, always look before you close. Another way that furniture can be hazardous is during earthquakes. If you live in an area that is prone to earthquakes, consider getting earthquake straps to put on big pieces of furniture.
8. Candles
With candles, a cat (especially ones with long fur) can catch on fire. Aside from that, candles can be a huge hazard to you and your home. Needless to say, if a cat knocks a candle over, your house can catch on fire. So if you have candles, make sure to only have them lit when you’re in the room. Another solution is to use tart warmers instead which have become pretty popular in recent years because they are much safer than traditional candles. Instead of a flame, a bulb melts a block of wax. So you get the same smell of a candle but without the open flame.
9. Toilets
Surprisingly, dogs aren’t the only pets that like to drink toilet water. Some cats also like to drink out of the toilet because they are attracted to running water. Their primal instinct is to seek out running water because in nature, running water is usually safer to drink than still water. But although toilet water is regularly flushed, it is still a breeding ground for germs and bacteria that can potentially make your pet sick.
Another danger is the chemicals used to clean toilets. For example, toilet cleaners that are left inside the toilet reservoir continuously release chemicals into the water. So if a cat drinks out of the toilet, they are ingesting those chemicals which can be deadly. The easiest solution is to always keep the toilet lid closed when it’s not in use. If your furry friend is highly attracted to toilet water, another thing you can do is get them a cat drinking fountain to satisfy their love of running water.
10. Cars
The next item applies mainly to outdoor cats: and that’s cars. More specifically, car engines. Cats are attracted to warm places, so it’s not uncommon for them to crawl under cars. If they get in the right spot, they can get caught in the fan belt. Then when you start the car, you’ll hear a tragedy. This is yet another hazard that I have a real-life story for. When my father-in-law was a kid, his family started the car while a cat was unknowingly hiding underneath. Needless to say, the aftermath was pretty traumatizing for them. This is why it’s always a good idea to bang on the hood of a car before you get in, especially if you live in an area with a lot of stray cats.
11. Foods and Drinks
There are certain foods in your kitchen that are hazardous to cats. Some examples are grapes, raisins, and onions. It’s easy to drop a few pieces of onion as you’re chopping or leave a bowl of grapes out when you step out of the room. This is why the best rule of thumb is to keep all “people foods” away from cats. There are also toxic drinks like alcohol and caffeine. Although this sounds obvious, it’s easy to forget a cup of coffee or beer on the table which your cat could easily get to. Remember that caffeine and alcohol are absolutely toxic to cats.
12. Chemicals & Medications
Although this one may sound obvious, this is far too important to leave off the list. As we all know, cats are curious creatures. So they can easily paw open a cabinet filled with chemicals, such as cleaning products. Bleach, dish-washing pods, and anti-freeze are just a few of the many chemicals that are absolutely deadly if ingested. So to protect your cat, put a child safety lock on cabinets with chemicals or keep them completely out of reach.
I know this is another obvious one (which is why we grouped these together), but it has to be said. Prescription drugs are also a hazard for cats. Remember that these medications are designed for humans, not animals. This means that a safe dosage for a human can be deadly to an animal. So if you use a pill organizer, consider zipping it in a bag that way it won’t pop open if a cat knocks it on the ground. And just like for chemicals, you can also get child safety locks.
DISCLAIMER: The Purring Journal is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commissions, at no cost to you, by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. I only affiliate with products that I truly enjoy or find helpful, and commissions help support this blog. In addition, this article is made for entertainment purposes only. The Purring Journal is NOT in the medical field. All information presented is simply what we found online while researching the topic. With that said, use the information presented in this article at your own risk. ALWAYS seek medical advice from licensed veterinarians.
Disclaimer: The Purring Journal is not in the medical field. This post is made for entertainment purposes only. Use the information presented in this article at your own risk. Always seek medical advice from licensed veterinarians.