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While most dogs can be shown love with a tennis ball and belly rubs, cats aren’t always so simple. Cats are sometimes very puzzling, complex creatures that leave many owners confused about how to establish a loving relationship. However, don’t fret! There are plenty of ways to showing your cat you love them in ways they understand, even if they aren’t the most straightforward. In fact, showing a cat love is a lot easier than you think! Now, let’s go over five easy ways to tell your cat that you love them.
Way #1: Respect Their Boundaries
As most cat owners are aware, cats can be challenging to read! Our feline friends are generally known for their mysterious, reserved nature, which may leave us wondering if they actually like our attention. But what some owners don’t realize is that whether or not a cat likes our attention largely depends on whether or not we respect their boundaries.
The way that one cat might love to be pet and snuggled, another may loathe! So, the best way to learn how your cat likes to receive love and attention is by paying attention to how they react! Trying to figure out a cat’s boundaries may seem complex, but it’s fairly simple when you apply the right tips. With that said, here are some basic tips for respecting your cat’s boundaries:
Tip #1: Pay Attention to Their Behavior
A cat’s eyes are one of its best ways of communicating how they are feeling. If you are petting your cat and notice that its pupils are large and circular, this may indicate they are feeling stressed out. Thin, slit-like pupils often indicate the opposite and are a good sign that your cat is enjoying being petted. If your cat is resistant to being petted and reacts by backing away, arching their back, or batting away your hand, they likely feel scared or threatened. If a cat is reacting negatively to you, remain calm, slowly leave the room, and wait for them to cool down. However, if they are sitting still, purring, or leaning into you, they’re probably enjoying your presence!
Tip #2: Keep in Mind that Every Cat is Different
There are some areas where most cats like or dislike being petted. For example, the head and ears are generally a safe place to pet a cat, while the stomach is typically a big no. However, every cat is different and likes different things! Some cats may not even like being touched at all. In this case, you can show them love by respecting their space and following the other methods in this blog post. Other cats may be very snuggly and love physical affection. It’s all dependent on the cat. So, it’s important to observe their behavior and respect their boundaries.
Tip #3: For a Cat Who Loves Snuggles…
If your cat reacts very positively to pets and physical affection, it is easy to show them lots of love! Some cats may enjoy being massaged and stroked over their whole bodies. Some spots that cats may love being petted at are their ears, the top of their head, under their tail, or under their chin. Cats who like being snuggled most likely consider physical affection to be important. Therefore, if you want to show them that you love them, shower them with physical affection.
Tip #4: For a Cat Who Doesn’t Love Snuggles…
It can be more difficult to show a cat love who doesn’t like physical affection – it just takes a little bit more effort and creativity! Even though your cat may not enjoy being touched, they likely still enjoy your physical presence. Spending time in the same room as one cat can be just as fulfilling for them as petting is for another cat.
Cats are heavily reliant on scent, so spending lots of time with them with ensure that they become fully comfortable with your scent. In short, familiarity is key. Making sure that your cat is used to your presence and scent is an essential first step towards bonding. Combined with the other steps in this article, just existing in the same space as your cat is likely enough for a cat who does not like physical affection.
Way #2: Keep Them Engaged
One of the best ways you can show your kitty love is by keeping them stimulated and playful! By engaging their natural hunter instincts with feather toys or felt mice, they’ll feel content and cared for. There are plenty of ways to keep a cat engaged from toys to cat trees to scratching posts and more! Cats love getting out their natural energy by climbing, scratching, stalking, and playing. By providing them with the means to exhibit these behaviors, your cat is much more likely to be happy and playful.
The trust and love that your cat will gain for you is just one of the excellent benefits of supple playtime. Since most cats need at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, this means playtime also serves as an opportunity to keep cats healthy. Providing your cat with lots of opportunities to play, climb, scratch, and exercise will keep them healthy, active, and happy. Additionally, cats are very smart creatures that need to be engaged. Make sure to provide them with toys and puzzles that stimulate their brain and keep them thinking. Give them lots of attention and entertainment. This will make your cat feel extremely loved and content.
By keeping your cat engaged, you will be strengthening their brain and their body! Cats who are active with toys, puzzles, and games are healthy! Keeping your cat healthy physically and mentally is one of the most important roles you take on as a pet-owner. Also, ensuring their health is one of the best ways that you can show them love. Investing time and effort in keeping them entertained, happy, and active will result in a more loving, happy cat!
Way #3: Create a Comfortable Home
Creating a safe, comfortable environment for your cat is one of the best ways that you can show them love and affection! Many cats love having lots of alone time and space, so incorporate details into their home that allow them to retreat for a while. There are plenty of easy steps you can take to transform your home into a perfect environment for your cat.
For example, you can wrap simple furniture items with sisal rope or fabric to create DIY scratching posts for your cat. These will allow your cat to get out all their scratching needs without causing damage to your furniture. Additionally, consider investing in a cat tree or cat hideaway that allows your cat to have a quiet, dark space to relax in. Even though it may seem counterintuitive, giving your cat lots of alone time without any disturbances can be one of the most effective ways of showing them love.
Way #4: Positive Reinforcement
Everyone enjoys a yummy snack, even cats! Food is an excellent way to build trust and affection between you and your cat. Make sure to reward them with treats and yummy food when they do well in training or exhibit positive behaviors. This is a great way to teach your cat to associate you with positive things. However, don’t abuse this method and give them too many treats! As mentioned above, keeping them happy and healthy is a great and simple way to show them that you love them. With that said, make sure any cat food or treats you give them are nutritious.
Positive enforcement can be accomplished with attention and praise as well! Though cats cannot understand what you’re saying, they do have some grasp on your tone and attitude! If you talk to your cat in a higher-pitched voice and enunciate or stretch out vowels, they may understand that you are speaking affectionately. Also, if your cat loves to be pet, reward them with lots of pets and snuggles if they do good! This is a very simple yet easy way to remind your cat that you love them throughout the day every day!
Way #5: Observe and Reciprocate
A good way to show your cat love is to observe them and reciprocate how they show you love. If your cat likes to come lay near you and snuggle against you, reciprocate this behavior! Pay close attention to their behavior when they are calm, relaxed, and in a good mood. Often, cats that want to show you love will look at you and slowly blink. So, try looking at them while slowly blinking! It may feel a bit silly, but it can actually convey affection and care to your cat! Your cat may also indicate love for you by “head-butting” you or touching their head to yours.
Another common indication of affection from a cat is licking. You should definitely not try to reciprocate this behavior, but you can simply allow them to lick your hands or face. By allowing them to exhibit affection behaviors towards you, you are creating a more comfortable relationship between you.
Final Thoughts
As most cat-owners are all too aware of, cats can be difficult creatures to read. Some of their behaviors are completely different than ours which can make interpreting their mood very difficult sometimes. When we feel love and affection, our pupils will dilate and become very large and round. When cats feel love and affection, their pupils become very thin! Simple differences in body language and behavior like this can make pet-owners feel very lost when it comes to letting their cat know they love them. However, this blog post outlined five easy ways to understand your cats behavior and tell them “I love you.”
By paying lots of attention to your cat and learning about the individual ways in which they express love, you’ll be able to show them love in return! As you’ve learned, a big part of letting your cat know you love them is through care. Creating a nice environment for them, keeping them entertained, making sure they are healthy, and treating them with kindness and respect are all great, easy ways to show your cat love.
Disclaimer: The Purring Journal is not in the medical field. This post is made for entertainment purposes only. Use the information presented in this article at your own risk. Always seek medical advice from licensed veterinarians.