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Whether you’re a new or seasoned cat owner, you may be pondering the question: should my cat be an indoor or outdoor cat? On one hand, cats are naturally drawn to the outdoors and enjoy exercising their feline instincts. On the other, you can better control your cat’s safety and health within your own home. So, which one do you choose?
Ultimately, it is up to every individual cat owner to choose whether or not they want their cat to be an indoor or outdoor cat. We hope that after becoming more well-versed on this topic, you’ll find it easier to make a decision. Now, here the pros and cons of each option as well as some guidance on how to make your decision.
Pros of an Outdoor Cat
There are some benefits to allowing your cat to live outdoors most of the time, most of which have to do with their ancestry as a wild creature.
- Mental Stimulation
Outdoor cats undeniably have an abundant amount of freedom, with the ability to explore the outdoors as much as they desire. This will lead them to be a much more engaged cat that rarely experiences boredom. Outdoor cats are highly stimulated by their surroundings. They can engage all of their senses and be surrounded by enriching opportunities. Therefore, outdoor cats have plenty of mental stimulation which is excellent for their overall mental health and wellbeing. - Exercise
There are also some physical health benefits for outdoor cats. Outdoor cats are thoroughly exercised and as a result, are more likely to be physically healthy. After all, they are spending the majority of their day exercising by walking and hunting. - Natural Instincts
Allowing your cat outdoors provides them with an authentic connection to their roots as a wild animal. While many of their natural instincts can be replicated indoors with scratching posts or artificial cat trees, some would argue that the real thing is more enriching. Outdoor cats can scratch, mark, and climb real trees and hunt real animals like mice. - Simple Care
Outdoor cats additionally alleviate a lot of the responsibilities that an indoor cat owner has. For example, you don’t have to worry about the litter box as much considering the outdoors is a giant litter box for your kitty! Outdoor cat owners can also spend less time with enrichment planning. As mentioned earlier, cats get plenty of stimulation and entertainment from the outdoors, which means they require less enrichment at home.
Cons of an Outdoor Cat
While having an outdoor cat may seem like an ideal way to allow your cat to engage with their environment, it is not always the best idea. After all, cats have been domesticated for centuries, so living outdoors is arguably not a requirement to keep them happy and healthy. Most importantly, there are lots of risks that come with having an outdoor cat, which we’ll go over next.
- Lower Life Expectancy
Outdoor cats are much less safe than indoor cats. Naturally, they are exposed to far more threats than indoor cats since their environment is not regulated. Astoundingly, outdoor cats tend to live 2-5 years on average while indoor cats can live up to 15 or more. Before you race to the comments to say that your outdoor cat Fluffy lived to be 12, keep in mind that these are “averages.” It makes sense that an outdoor cat with a caretaker is likely to live longer than one with no help. Either way, the number of dangerous situations your outdoor cat may encounter increases substantially. - Threats
It is important to understand that the “wild outdoors” isn’t limited to the literal wild anymore. Cars, people, and other animals are all more than capable of inflicting harm upon your cat. If you’re living in a residential area, your cat is likely to encounter man-made threats. As mentioned earlier, cars pose a significant threat to cats – especially in more densely populated areas. Your cat may also encounter poisonous substances or toxic materials on people’s properties. Whether it be fertilizer, pest repellent, rat poison, or something else, there are lots of potentially dangerous chemicals that your cat may encounter outdoors. - Not Feasible for All
Additionally, outdoor life isn’t feasible for all cats. Older or sick cats should not live outdoors because they need extra attention and care. If you’re unsure if your cat is even fit for the outdoors, ask your veterinarian. - Diseases and Parasites
Disease and infection are also something to consider for your cat. Outdoor cats need to be kept extremely up-to-date with their vaccinations, flea prevention, and veterinarian inspections. They are much more at risk for developing infections or diseases than indoor cats. There are more than a few parasites that are common among outdoor cats including tapeworm, ticks, ringworm, mites, and more. Outdoor cats are also highly likely to encounter fleas and develop some sort of infestation which can be problematic for their overall health and well-being. While fleas are not usually deadly and can typically be treated, it’s best to avoid them altogether.
Pros of an Indoor Cat
There are plenty of advantages of keeping an indoor cat, especially when it comes to health and safety.
- Environment Control
With an indoor cat, you can regulate most aspects of their environment. For example, you have control over what they eat and can ensure that your cat is maintaining a healthy diet. Additionally, most of the threats that come with the outdoors are removed. Unfavorable weather, cars, dangerous animals, and unkind humans are no longer threats to indoor cats. - Health
Indoor cats can be healthier than outdoor cats considering they are much less likely to be exposed to disease, pests, or toxins. As discussed in the cons section of outdoor cats, outdoor cats are likely to come across a variety of illnesses and parasites. Indoor cats are much better protected against these threats as their chances of encountering them are slim to none. - Playtime and Bonding
Just because a cat lives indoors doesn’t mean they can’t get enough exercise and enrichment. Experts say that most cats need at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. This can easily be achieved with a daily routine of a few short play sessions. Interactive toys, scratching posts, and food puzzles are just a few of the many ways to get your cat moving and engaged. These play sessions also serve as opportunities for you to bond with your cat. It’s much easier to bond with an indoor cat because you’re around them more often. - Involvement
Cat owners can ensure that all of their cat’s needs are met with indoor cats. You can make sure they have enough food, water, toys, shelter, and warmth indoors while all of these factors are variable outdoors. As an added perk, you’ll be able to pamper your cat as much as you’d like. While indoor cats require more maintenance, it’s absolutely worth it for most cat owners. Having a personal stake in your cat’s happiness, wellbeing, and health is an incredibly important aspect of being a cat owner. Generally, indoor cat owners have more regulation over these factors than outdoor cat owners.
Cons of an Indoor Cat
Just like keeping an outdoor cat, there are some downsides to keeping an indoor cat. Indoor cats require more work to keep happy, healthy, and engaged.
- Boredom
Indoor cats are much more likely to experience boredom than outdoor cats. Their domain is significantly smaller, and there is much less to explore. That’s why cat owners must put in a lot of effort to keep their cats engaged and stimulated. As mentioned before, there are plenty of ways to do this, however, it takes commitment. Some cat owners with extremely busy schedules may not be able to set aside adequate playtime every day. - Inactivity
Indoor cats are also much more prone to falling out of shape. It is much easier for an indoor cat to gain an unhealthy amount of weight and not exercise frequently enough. After all, they have much less space and motivation to exercise. So, as mentioned, it will require more effort on behalf of their owner to make sure they are getting enough exercise. Watching their weight closely and providing many outlets for them to exert energy are essential steps for indoor cat owners. Lasers, feather toys, plush mice, and other toys are great ways to get them physically moving and engaged. - Stress
Indoor cats may be more susceptible to stress as they don’t have a natural escape like outdoor cats do. They may become irritable or especially aware of changes to their environment. However, this can be counterbalanced by providing your indoor cat with plenty of dark, quiet spaces to hide and relax. Most of this stress can be avoided by providing them with lots of personal retreats and alone time.
Mixing Indoor and Outdoor Cat Life
Keep in mind that your decision to have an indoor or outdoor cat does not have to be black or white. If you want your cat to have all the safety of indoor life while still having access to the outdoors, there are “middle of the road” options.
- Catio
For one, you can invest in a cat patio (AKA “catio) for your feline friend. A catio is a cat enclosure for your cat to enjoy the outdoors in a safe environment. There are plenty of tutorials on YouTube for building catios for scratch. But if you’re not handy, we have an article that reviews a pre-fabricated catio which you can check out.
Aivituvin Extra Large Cat Enclosure: https://bit.ly/3kPSG9L - Leash and Harness
Another option is to take your cat outside with a leash and harness. Yes, contrary to popular belief, cats can be harness trained! It just takes more time, effort, and patience than their canine counterparts. By walking your cat out on a harness, you are letting them enjoy the outdoors in a safe way. Some cats on a harness may simply want to lounge instead of walk, and that’s perfectly fine! For cats like this, you can simply sit and enjoy some fresh air together.
Cat Harness with Leash: https://amzn.to/3RQjYMC
With these options in mind, it is possible to give your cat plenty of outdoor time while still regulating their environment and health. While this may not be possible for everyone, especially if you don’t have access to an outdoor area or backyard, it is a good alternative for plenty of cat owners. Here at The Purring Journal, we think these “middle of the road options” are a “win-win” for everyone.
Final Thoughts
Ultimately, while there are pros and cons to each lifestyle, it is up to each individual cat owner which lifestyle they determine is best for their cat. All cat owners want what’s best for their feline friend, and what is best for one cat may not be best for another.
Disclaimer: The Purring Journal is not in the medical field. This post is made for entertainment purposes only. Use the information presented in this article at your own risk. Always seek medical advice from licensed veterinarians.