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A cat in a basket.
Photo by Arina Krasnikova from Pexels

As much as we love our feline friends, taking care of them can sometimes feel like a guessing game. That’s why we gathered a list of tips and tricks to make caring for your cat much easier. Now here are the top 20 cat hacks you need to know.

20 Cat Hacks

1. Make Nail Clipping Easier

The first step is to get your cat used to having their paws touched. Gently take one of their paws and massage it for a few seconds.

NOTE: If your cat pulls away, don’t grab their paw. Instead, follow their paw and gently touch it.

If your cat let’s you do this successfully, give them a treat. Repeat this routine for several days or weeks, depending on your cat’s tolerance. Once your cat is comfortable with paw massages, get them used to you extending their claws by gently pressing on the paw pad by following the same process. Once your cat is fully comfortable with that, they will be much more likely to tolerate a nail trimming.

2. Sleep Through the Night

The trick to not being woken up throughout the night is to tire your cat out before bed. Most cats need at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, but it doesn’t have to be all in one session. If you are splitting up their exercise, then spend at least 15-20 minutes playing before you go to bed. Laser pointers and fishing poles are a couple of the many great options that get cats moving. Then you’ll both sleep through the night.

3. Reduce Shedding

Regular brushing reduces the amount of excess hair your cat carries, which means less hair around the house! So if you really want to reduce shedding, brush your cat every day or every other day. Better in the hairbrush than on your couch! In case you’re wondering, yes, this also applies to short-haired cats.

Even if shedding isn’t a concern, a short-haired cat should be brushed at least once a week and a long-haired cat every day. Doing so will keep their coat tangle-free and healthy. Less hair around the house is just a happy bonus!

4. Prevent Hairballs

Adding fiber to your cat’s diet can prevent hairballs. Pumpkin is a long-time veterinarian remedy for hairballs and constipation because it helps move things along in their bowels thanks to its high soluble fiber content.

Dr. Heather Meyers, a veterinarian for Carolina Pets Hospital, says a cat can be given one to four teaspoons of canned pumpkin, up to twice daily, mixed in their cat food. Just make sure it’s 100% pure pumpkin that’s cooked and pureed, not pumpkin pie filling!

5. Keep Your Cat Off the Counter

The last place you want your cat is on a hot stove or clean cutting board. To prevent this, simply spread pieces of aluminum foil over your counters. This works because cats hate the sound and texture of aluminum foil. Another hack is to place pieces of double-sided tape on your counters because cats hate its tactile feel and stickiness.

For extra stubborn cats, you can always invest in a motion-activated sprayer. Soon enough you can drop these precautions because your cat will learn to avoid the counter.

6. Protect Your Furniture

Like protecting counters, one of the most notable cat hacks is to put double-sided tape on furniture for protection. A popular brand is Sticky Paws because it comes in a variety of sizes, making application even easier. Another easy trick is to use citrus spray because cats have a natural aversion to citrus odors. Simply spray the spots you want to protect and reapply as needed. Just remember that citrus sprays are only meant to be used on surfaces, not on the cat!

7. Keep Your Cat Hydrated

Many cats don’t drink enough water, which can lead to a number of health problems. To encourage your cat to drink more, one of the most popular cat hacks is to get a pet fountain. Cats are attracted to running water because their wildcat ancestors developed an aversion to still water, which can contain bacteria.

If your cat eats wet food, you can also add warm water to their meal to blend it in like a broth. Also be sure to keep their water away from the food bowl. Cats instinctively avoid drinking near their food in order to not contaminate their water with potential sources of bacteria.

8. Reduce Litter Box Odor

As harmless as scented litter might seem, it should be avoided. A cat’s sense of smell is about 14 times better than a human’s. So while scented litter might smell mild to you, it can be incredibly overwhelming for your cat. Some cats might even avoid using the litter box altogether! As a safer alternative, the Humane Society recommends spreading a thin layer of baking soda at bottom of the box to help absorb odors without repelling your cat.

9. Encourage Scratching Post Use

Sprinkling catnip on a scratching post is a great way to encourage your cat to use it. However, it’s estimated that 30-50% of cats lack the gene that would make them respond to catnip. One of the lesser known cat hacks is to use honeysuckle spray on the scratching post instead.

Another hack is to put the scratching post directly in front of the problem area. For example, if your cat tends to scratch the side of the couch, put a scratching post in front of that spot.

10. Save Your Workspace

If you work from home or just spend a lot of time at a desk, your cat might try to lay on your keyboard or paw the monitor. While this can be cute, I’m sure you don’t want a little paw hitting the wrong key! One of the simplest cat hacks is to put a box on your desk. Cats love boxes because the confined space makes them feel safe and secure. So next time you get a delivery, add it to your workspace.

11. Protect Your Plants

An easy cat hack is to spray citrus spray on your plants. Since cats have an aversion to citrus odors, you can also try leaving citrus peels on top of the soil. Another easy hack is to place pine cones, rocks, or branches on top of the soil. Cats hate the pricky feeling of pinecones, and they also don’t like the obstacles of rocks or branches.

NOTE: Some plants are toxic to cats, so be sure to refer to the ASPCA’s Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List.

12. Remove Urine Stains and Odors

Cat urine is notoriously difficult to clean. So if your cat has an accident, it can be a nightmare to get rid of the stain and odor. An easy cat hack is to sprinkle baking soda on the stain. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes (or even better, a few hours) for the baking soda to soak up the urine. Then, simply vacuum the baking soda away!

Afterwards, if needed, mix one part white vinegar with one part water and spray the affected area, then dry with paper towels. This works because the acidity in vinegar kills the odor-causing bacteria in urine.

13. Make Naming Easier

Naming a cat might be simple… but teaching your cat their name isn’t always as easy. Interestingly, cats tend to respond better to short names. They also respond best to names that end with an “ee” sound. With this in mind, try to give your cat a one or two-syllable name that ends with an “e” sound (“ie,” “ee” or “y”). Some popular examples are Lily, Chloe, Ollie, or Murphy!

14. Make Your Cat Tolerate the Carrier

Getting your cat in a carrier can be a huge ordeal. Chances are you only put your cat in a carrier when it’s time to go to the vet. As a result, your cat associates the carrier with the vet and avoids it at all costs. To prevent this negative association, leave the carrier out at least a few days before the appointment.

Your cat’s curiosity will soon get the best of them and eventually they’ll see it as hang out spot… especially if you lure them with treats. If you have the space, keep it out indefinitely!

15. Help Cat Allergies

Some people with allergies love cats so much that they’re willing to put up with symptoms. To help your allergies, get an air purifier. It helps by removing cat dander, which means you won’t breath in as much of it. Just make sure the air purifier has a True HEPA filter, which is dubbed as the best filter for removing pet dander.

16. Make Your Cat Feel Safe

Cats need to feel safe and secure, and one way to achieve that is to put up wall perches and shelves. These shelves offer your cat a safe place to hide. Wall shelves also allow your cat to observe the home from what they see as a safe spot. Plus, your cat will enjoy the mental enrichment.

17. Teach Your Cat Commands

Contrary to popular belief, cats can be trained to do tricks. Yes, really! With time, patience, and positive reinforcement, cats can learn common commands like sit, stay, come, and so on. You can train a cat with a clicker and bite-sized treats. The moment your cat performs the desired action, immediately click, then reward them with a treat. Eventually your cat will put two-and-two together.

The ASPCA recommends up to two “training sessions” a day for five minutes or less, during which the behavior should be repeated up to 20 times.

18. Remove Cat Hair

Pet hair is notoriously difficult to get off surfaces. Sure, you could use a lint roller or duck tape. But depending on the surface area, that could take a long time. Believe it or not, you likely have an easier solution by your kitchen sink. Simply dampen a pair of rubber gloves and rub the desired surface to get hair off. Yes, it’s really that simple!

19. Make Your Cat Eat Slower

If your cat eats too fast, it can lead to a displeasing gift on your carpet. Needless to say, regular vomiting can also lead to a number of health issues. Even if your cat isn’t throwing up, eating too fast can make them become overweight or obese.

An easy hack is to put your cat’s food on a plate instead of a bowl. The flat surface will reduce their ability to eat as fast. You can also use interactive slow feeders, which makes your kitty have to work for their food.

20. Reduce Your Cat’s Stress

Any big life change like a new house or new pet are incredibly stressful for your cat. To help reduce their stress, plug in a pheromone diffuser. When your cat rubs their face on something like a piece of furniture, they are depositing pheromones to claim their territory.

When your cat smells pheromones around the house, they are calmed because it reassures them it’s a safe space. A pheromone diffuser works by imitating the F3 facial pheromones.












Disclaimer: The Purring Journal is not in the medical field. This post is made for entertainment purposes only. Use the information presented in this article at your own risk. Always seek medical advice from licensed veterinarians.