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I’m sure a lot of cat owners can relate to the following scenario: You treat Fluffy like a king. He has all of the love and attention a cat could ever need. Plus, he has his very own cat bed in every room. However, every night Fluffy parades past each bed and instead cuddles with you. So now you may be wondering, why does my cat sleep with me? We found 4 common explanations as to why your cat would rather sleep with you than in their own bed.
Why Your Cat Wants to Sleep With You
1. Companionship
Cats are often thought of as less affectionate than dogs. However, any seasoned cat owner knows that this belief is far from reality. The truth is that cats love to have companionship with their owners. Although it is true that cats are more independent than dogs, this doesn’t mean that they don’t need to bond with their humans to be happy. Although it may sound obvious, if a cat likes to sleep with you, it simply means that they enjoy your company and want to bond with you. It’s one of their simplest ways of saying “I love you.”
2. Warmth
Cats love warm places. In fact, a cat’s normal body temperature range is 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit, which is a little higher than the human range of 97 to 99 degrees. Since cats have a higher natural body temperature, they have a higher heat tolerance than humans. This explains why most cats have no problem snoozing away on top of a radiator. Chances are, your bed is warm and snuggly which cats love. Also since your body is warm, this is another reason why your cat likes to sleep with you.
3. Trust
Any cat owner knows that earning a feline’s trust usually takes time. However, if a cat likes to sleep with you, that’s an indication that they probably trust you. Why? Because when cats sleep, they are at their most vulnerable. Their natural instincts tell them to be on alert in case a predator is near. However, if they snooze away with you, it means that you make them feel safe and secure. They trust that you won’t let anything happen to them.
4. Territory
Cats are territorial creatures. One way that cats mark their territory is by rubbing their head on things. Another way is by walking on whatever they consider being their territory. Either way, the glands in their feet and head release pheromones that the cat uses to mark his or her territory. So if you see your cat walking all over your bed and “head-butting” things, it’s like they are saying “this bed is MINE.”
Now that we explained common reasons why cats like to sleep with their owners, let’s discuss the pros and cons of letting a cat sleep with you.
Cons of Sleeping With Your Cat
1. Sleep Disturbances
Unlike humans, cats don’t sleep for a solid 8 hours. Instead, they take little cat naps throughout the day and night. With that said, hearing your cat get up or feeling them walk around on the bed might be bothersome for light sleepers.
NOTE: If you want to learn tips for getting your cat to let you sleep at night, check out this blog post.
2. Discomfort
Some cats take cuddling to the extreme. This means that if a cat prefers sleeping on your chest or head, you may find it uncomfortable. Especially if you frequently change sleeping positions throughout the night.
3. Hygiene
Indoor cats might track litter into your bed. On the flip side, outdoor cats might have dirt on their paws. This might be a turn-off for those trying to keep their bedding clean.
Pros of Sleeping With Your Cat
1. Stress Relief
Studies show that a cat’s purrs help relieve stress. How amazing is that? Other studies even suggest that petting your cat releases oxytocin (the feel-good hormone). This is great for people who need to unwind before falling asleep.
2. Warmth
As mentioned earlier, cats have a higher natural body temperature than humans. This means that sleeping with a cat is purrfect (yes, pun intended) for people who get cold easily.
3. Bonding
In order to maintain a good relationship with your cat, you should always take time out of your day to bond with them. Not only will this maintain their trust and companionship with you, but it will also keep them happy.
At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide if your cat should sleep with you at night. Whether or not you decide to let them, just remember the main reasons why a cat wants to do so. Overall, a cat wanting to sleep with you is usually a good sign that they love and trust you. After all, unconditional love is one of the best rewards of having a furry feline friend.
Disclaimer: This article is made for entertainment purposes only. This is NOT medical advice. Use the information presented in this article at your own risk. ALWAYS seek medical advice from licensed veterinarians.
Disclaimer: The Purring Journal is not in the medical field. This post is made for entertainment purposes only. Use the information presented in this article at your own risk. Always seek medical advice from licensed veterinarians.