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A smiling cat.
Photo by Amy Chen on Unsplash

Hey cat lovers!

If you’ve been one of our readers for a while, you know that we also have a YouTube Channel. There, we post video versions of our blog posts. Well, we are excited to announce that on June 11th, 2021, our channel got its first 1,000 subscribers. Ever since that milestone, it’s been a snowball effect, because every day more and more people join our community. It’s been truly heartwarming to see just how many people around the world are as obsessed with cats as we are. Now, in order to express our appreciation for your support, we decided to dedicate this week’s blog post/video to thanking our cat community. After all, this blog and channel would not be a reality without you.

First, thank you for “liking” and “sharing” our content. This is important for our blog/channel’s growth because it helps other cat lovers find our content. In case you’re unfamiliar, growing a new blog and Youtube channel is very difficult. Next, thank you for your sharing your thoughts in the comments. Doing so teaches us which topics you enjoy and how we can improve. Finally, thank you to our subscribers. Becoming a member of this community helps grow a space where cat lovers can find content they find helpful or interesting.

Now, we have a small favor to ask of you. And it’s for your benefit.

We encourage you to tell us any topic requests you have in the comments below. Although we have many of our own ideas, we want to hear what YOU would find helpful or interesting. This blog usually discusses cat facts, advice, and news. However, we are open to any cat-related topic as long as it would be educational or entertaining for our viewers. If enough readers suggest the same idea, we will likely cover your request in a future blog post/video.

Also, as a small blog/channel, we are fully aware that we are nowhere near Animal Planet level quality. So, we will never promise perfection. After all, we are working out of a small home office, not a Hollywood studio. However, we can promise that as we learn more, we will try our very best to make each blog post/video better than the last.

With that said, if you haven’t already, consider subscribing to our blog’s newsletter and/or YouTube channel so that you never miss out on our cat-related content. Plus, you would become a part of our cat community! Finally, we just want to remind you that we are now selling cat-themed t-shirts on this website. The best part is that 10% of every sale is donated to organizations that help cats in need, and more cat-related merch is coming soon.

So once again, thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing your topic suggestions, and we’ll see you guys next Caturday for another blog post and video.

Disclaimer: The Purring Journal is not in the medical field. This post is made for entertainment purposes only. Use the information presented in this article at your own risk. Always seek medical advice from licensed veterinarians.